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November 23, 2008

What an encouragement to have such enthusiastic help during our storage move this weekend!  The crew approves the new space and can see the potential for R&R growth.  The rest of this month we will have volunteers help to organize and put our new shelves to use. Thank you to all who have made this transition a quick and smooth one.

This activity isn’t the only thing happening.  A different pregnant teen was referred to New Life Services for help closer to her area.  A single dad who is starting over with nothing at the end of the month was referred to us. A single woman was given basic items to put in her new empty apartment. A woman received help cleaning her kitchen after disposing of food infested with grain bugs. Due to her health, there was no way she could have dealt with the issue by herself.  A teenager who has very large feet, who was squeezing into Size 15 shoes, was given Size 16 shoes- a size that isn’t easy to find but God provided a new pair!  Two new referrals last week which include the need for beds.

What are the needs of R&R right now?  People who have a desire to become a Life Preserver to someone that is referred to us.  This person has the pleasure of meeting and blessing someone they would probably never get to meet otherwise. It only requires a willingness to accept and commit to checking in with the person a handful of times. Many times a listening ear is what is needed most.

R&R hopes to always have a few Life Preservers on hand to fulfill this role with new referrals. Please contact us if you have questions or would like to be involved in this ministry!