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December 26, 2008

Wow. What a full year!   God has opened doors for Reach & Restore and He continues to confirm the direction before our eyes as we put our faith in Him. 

December was a busy month as we helped a woman move, distributed 12 beds with bedding and have two more beds ready to be delivered any day.  Two families were given all the basics to start over after getting out of shelters and a few others were given specific items requested.  Unfortunately, we weren’t able to help two other people move as we were a bit overwhelmed near the end of the month. There were a handful of families that were adopted for Christmas and were blessed by deliveries by volunteers.  

While delivering a bed and bedding to a single mother and her kids, the social worker asked one of the children if he had a pillow. He said he didn’t and the social worker said “Well now you do”.

 “I have a pillow!  I have a pillow!”  He said with excitement.  What a joy to tell the person who donated the pillow that they made a huge difference in someone’s life through something so simple.

Our volunteers are reporting that they approve of the new storage space and a few new volunteers have expressed interest in coming back to help. This is a wonderful confirmation that the investment in our rented space will help more families in the New Year ahead.  

The R&R Board will be meeting again soon to discuss and pray about the goals for 2009. We will be posting them here so stay tuned! 

If you have donated this year and have not received a receipt, please contact us. 

 As we reflect on the free gift that Christmas brings, we remember God’s unconditional love for us and what drives Reach & Restore!  May we continue to go and reach out to those in need around us.