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May 19, 2009

” I just wanted to call and thank you again for all of the things you brought to us yesterday. We are comfortable and my kids said they slept really good last night in their beds.”  

“Will you pray for me?”

“I’ve never had a microwave!”

“I want to tell others how He’s changed my life. You are a blessing. When someone gives to me I want to give back. Maybe I can help someone in return.” 

“Reach & Restore was on my heart last week and I want to give to the ministry”.

“I would much rather give to Reach & Restore knowing it’s going to someone who needs it”.

“I couldn’t believe we walked in her apartment and the only thing in it was herself. It was a great experience bringing her …even just something to sit on!”


These are all quotes from the past few days.  God will use us when we are open and willing to be used. 


The clothing closet project is still in planning stages. Please pray that we can gather the financial support  needed to expand in our current space for this.  If you would like to visit to get a tour please call 952-933-1393. 

Volunteers are also needed to do home visits-we call them Life Preservers.  Training will be provided.

God is good!  Stay tuned for new ways that you can support this ministry.