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September 27, 2013

We are very thankful to the many volunteers who are dedicating time to Reach & Restore!  It is a gift to be around people who want to make a difference.

The single parenting class is a blessing. Please continue to pray for the ladies and helpers. If you know someone who might be wanting to join this fall session, have them give us a call for more information.

A huge thank you to the God Squad (children’s program at Ridgewood Church) who gathered many useful items that were needed at Reach & Restore! Teaching children while they are young to give and care about others as Christ asks is very important!

This week we had a call from a woman who had surgery yesterday. She asked for a bed frame so she’d be able to get out of her bed with less pain while healing.  Praise God we had one come in the day before she called.  We don’t believe in coincidences.  God orchestrates these moments!  Thankfully, today her mattress is off the floor and we’ll be praying for her recovery.

Our biggest need is financial at this time.  Trusting in God’s faithfulness is humbling and awesome!