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March 13, 2007

On Saturday, we saw two churches come together to help a R&R family move. The family was in tears when they saw their help arrive and said there was no way it could have been done with just the husband and wife. A surprise meal was delivered to the family Sunday night after the move was done and everyone was too tired and sore to do anything else. What a blessing! 

There are a few of our R&R friends that are going to job interviews today. Please pray that the meetings are positive experiences and provide possible job options.  

A few other R&R families are looking for housing. We’re working on giving them some listings to check out. Please pray that there are answers by the end of the month!

Please pray for a new church connection that was made. A few women from this church are contacting a referral that was passed on to them. A family that needs them near their church. This could be a launching pad for R&R to begin in their church. Please pray for the ladies as they meet with the R&R swimmers-that unconditional love will pour over them.   

Right now we are searching for Life Preservers. There are a few families waiting for a call from us.  

If you, someone you know or a church body is interested in joining us in this ministry, please contact us via email and we will get back to you asap to answer any questions.