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March 21, 2007

Incredible. Awe struck.  Ever feel that way when God is in control?  He keeps providing and answering prayer around here.

Two of our R&R friends are employed since our last entry.

While visiting with this person, she said” You don’t know what a blessing this is.  God works in mysterious ways!”  The woman is leaving a battered women’s shelter next week. She was talking to her spiritual counselor when the phone rang. The counselor was giggling in the background because the timing was perfect for the contact.   

Two kitchen chairs and a small table were donated and discovered today at church- exactly what is needed for this woman leaving the shelter with nothing!  A vacuum cleaner was also donated today. When it was mentioned a few weeks ago we didn’t have a need for it and sure enough, today it was delivered to church and it will be going to the same woman. Amazing…He even cares about the details.

Quotes this past week:

“I’ve never been around giving people. The churches I went to in the past, the people were pretentious and just said, “Good Luck” and wished for the best but never helped.”

“You are different. You aren’t fanatical and saying ‘you’re going to hell’, turning people off. Your church is cool and you show it by your example.”

” I wouldn’t be around without your help… if you know what I mean.”


We are working on finding a leader for a support group/bible study for R&R folks. This is so exciting and actually an idea from a case worker at the food shelf! She wants to refer her clients to a Bible Study.

Saturday, a new Life Preserver will be delivering items to a man who is starting over. Please pray for this new contact and the Life Preserver.

A new referral came in this afternoon. A Hispanic couple-with a preschool and a baby- the wife has cancer and they need support. Interesting timing on this… a missionary couple is in town that works with Hispanic people- we may try to connect the two- please pray for this family and that God will bring the right relationship their way to give them eternal hope!

Please also pray for a R&R family who needs housing by the weekend. Just got that call and will be working on it in the morning.

Another church connection has been made. (Second within 2 weeks!) God is using a family that is moving to introduce R&R.  Please pray that these conversations continue between us!