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July 1, 2007

This week was a whirlwind of activity!

A homeless man received clothing.

The R&R pregnant woman was hired and is working full time. She has been staying with a R&R crew member and needs a more permanent place to live. God has also blessed her with another family who is a support. Please pray for her as her ex is harassing her. 

Furniture was picked up and delivered to three R&R families.  One of which was a referral from another church in the area who did not have the resources or man power to help. It’s great to have communication with other churches! A woman on the crew who knows spanish helped communication barriers with one of the deliveries. Without her skills, it would have been a disaster.

A R&R family moved this week and crew members were there to assist. It was wonderful to see two teams of  fathers and sons donate their time to help.

The woman who accepted professional help is doing pretty good. R&R crew members moved her out of her terrible apartment situation a few days ago and she will be attending church today!  Pray that she will find work quickly. She is also trying to quit smoking and has really trimmed it down the past few days. 

A family that we have collected household items for and has been looking for housing is having a really hard time. They were suppose to get their items and put them in storage until they move to Mpls. They will be moving in with an aunt this week. Everything was lined up for the pick up yesterday and we got the news that a storage space couldn’t be rented because they were short 3 dollars!   

Another gentleman that we helped this week will be visiting church this week. He is starting over after being scammed by an employer. R&R gave him some canned goods and referred him to the food shelf in his area which he had no idea how to find. He had only been eating a few candy bars each day. Thankfully, he has a new job and just has to hang in there for a few months to get by. With support he can do it.

As you can tell, God is at work through us. R&R families are seeing His church be hands and feet. It’s so much fun to watch the details fall into place as we serve. Matching people with people, matching material needs with requests, planting seeds of faith in hearts of strangers!