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October 12, 2007

An R&R family moved from their parents’ house into a shared rental home with the help of the ministry. They are so thankful and agree that this is a huge step forward for them! Praise God the people that are renting to them are going to be encouragers in the process too.  The woman is searching for work. It’s been great to see their confidence starting to grow as they are independent from other family members. A very healthy thing!

A new referral was given a bed and household items.She had been sleeping on an air mattress and is disabled.   She was listening to Sandi Patti music which led to spiritual conversation. We were praising the Lord together- especially after the unloading was finished!  What a blessing to visit with her and see that everything that was delivered matched the few items she did have!  Just have to smile…

A family who is dealing with cancer has been given some freezer meals to lighten the load. It is so much fun to see individual hands and feet serve and make a difference in a variety of ways!   

A lady we have come to know has and is continuing to have parenting struggles with her kids. R&R Life Preservers are people who will listen, encourage and pray.  Loving our neighbors when they feel alone can provide hope.

The R&R friend who was in the fender bender last week is doing much better. The test results are not in from the chest pain yet, but he is feeling much better. The car is still drivable which is a miracle.  The crash was on the passenger side, right between the wheels. So, the damage huge, but is cosmetic. He has been resourceful and foamed up the doors and sealed the windows for now. He was reminded how much worse it could have been!  Praise God. 

Two new referrals this week. One needs organization/cleaning help in order to get a reverse mortgage and save her house.  The other is in poor health and has to move out of her place by the end of the month. Both will be given support to tackle these issues through the compassion of the R&R service crew.  Please pray for these families as they are overwhelmed, that they will feel God’s peace and love through His children.