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January 20, 2008

Christmas “adoptions” brought help to 7 families over the holiday. One family was overjoyed to get a food gift card to shop for their Christmas dinner.  “It was so nice not to have to shop for food without stress and pick out what we wanted for our Christmas meal! ”  Cooking a Christmas meal together was this families’ only wish.  Another family invited their “adopted family” to church and included them in their family celebration. It was a great experience for both families. The children played together and the givers’ children learned how much fun it is to give and share with others.

We got a call from a family as they were told to leave their rental property. The family said that the police had arrived to board up the home because it was a foreclosed home and they would probably be in a shelter. Someone had told them that they had through the weekend to find a new place but this visit was three days early. New landlords weren’t following up on applications that were filled out for other rental homes. We’re still waiting to hear where this family ended up. Please pray that they will find a good place with a decent landlord! The kids were in school when all of this happened and heard the news when the day was over. 

One morning a neighbor of a friend who volunteers with R&R called and offered to be a Life Preserver.  She is an older woman who likes to be busy and loves people. That same afternoon we got a referral who is a widow and needs a friend as she deals with big changes in her life. That is a God connection!  The two haven’t met yet but pray that this becomes a positive thing for both of them providing hope, friendship and healing.

A crib and baby items were requested by one of our swimmer families as she was due to deliver a baby soon. God provided exactly what was requested and the family was contacted a few weeks later. When the call was made to make arrangements for a drop off of the crib and baby clothes we found out that the baby was to be induced the next day!  That was amazing timing. Please pray for this large family as they adjust. Their food situation is always quite tough and adding this little surprise miracle is adding stress on each family member and a few of the kids are angry.

A referral was made the other day for a woman who was just about to sign a lease with someone and the other person had a huge health issue right there and is now in assisted care. Now the woman has no where to live, is scheduled for hip surgery and now has to find a place for her cat.  There wasn’t much we could do but a neat idea came to mind.  A few months ago one of our other swimmers was expressing how lonely she was and how much she wanted a pet to help keep her spirits up. The social worker will be calling her to see if she’ll watch the cat while the woman is recovering from surgery! This would save the cat from being put down and let the young gal test the pet ownership dream at the same time.  Waiting for an update on this…

A gentleman was connected with a church in his area for getting help as he becomes independent for the first time. He is handicapped and will be moving to his first place without any household things Feb. 1st.  The pastor of the church said he would work on this with his congregation. Please pray that this man sees Jesus through this connection and people come together to be His hands and feet.

It’s been so cold out there, it’s hard to ask for delivery help. Blessings to those who have been delivering in this weather!   Three deliveries were made this past weekend to new families who were without basic items due to tough circumstances.  A single mom living in a studio apt needed a loveseat or twin bed for her 5 year old to sleep on. God provided both!  A woman donated a loveseat that pulls out into a twin bed!  You don’t hear of that sized pull out often!  Kitchen items were also delivered.  The family wishes to thank all who helped and donated.

A gal due to have her first baby soon just got into her first place and needed help. She didn’t have a bed or household things and had been having false labor last week.  She had a baby crib and some clothes but no blankets, sheets, diapers, kitchen things etc.  A few days ago she was blessed by donations and her stress is reduced greatly!  

A couch and love seat were donated just as we were sorting for that family and another. We were able to split the set and bless two families with it in one day!  The other family that received a couch and beds had been sleeping on blankets in their empty apt. since the beginning of the month. The kids didn’t have boots or coats!  We were short a bed for them but provided an air mattress temporarily to get someone off of the floor.  God can use us to bring relief to those who are without simple resources that are all around us!  

We’ll be working on gathering items for two more families now. Our greatest need right now is beds. We are searching for 7.  Two are needed right away and 5 are needed at the end of the month.

God has provided through generous supporters. Thank you. If you would like to be involved by getting to know a swimmer in the future, give us a call!  God uses ordinary people like you and me!