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April 6, 2008

Time is flying by!  Please continue to pray as crew members investigate and discuss a very interesting door that God is leading us to. There have been so many encouraging words by R&R friends and supporters.  We trust in what God can do when we are willing to serve. We will not weary in doing good. We are listening and watching for signs, knowing God will answer our prayers in His time. 

We received a follow up visit request to complete the organization help for the woman who is going through foreclosure. She found out the day before that the house was going on the market in 2 days and needed help getting her 2 closets sorted out. A few crew members were able to help and she was so proud to show off how much better her place looked since we first met her. We had a conversation about her church background and learned about how she was going to court soon because someone beat her up a few months ago. This woman is really bouncing back right now even though she’s losing her home. God is speaking to her heart. What a blessing to meet her.

A request for mattresses was posted online and a woman called saying she had 15 emails for her box spring but read our request and wanted to give to R&R. This is not the first time this has happened but it’s always a sign that God provides what is needed in mysterious and marvelous ways.

Our local food shelf referred a couple to us who had been sleeping on a used hotel mattress on the floor for 2 years!  Both of them had back issues. She had 3 rods in her back and the man was having back surgery due to an accident, in the near future.  A mattress became available and at the pick up, the donor was told who it was going to. The donor shared that his wife was a nurse for a back surgeon!  That was such a God thing.  The couple was overjoyed and in tears when the bed was delivered.  “It’s not often that people do things to help others. Thank you so much. You don’t know what this means to us.” 

The large family of 9 was given a few more furniture items yesterday and while this visit took place, one of them asked for prayer.

At the end of the month R&R will be helping with another move. This woman is 65 and has a neck brace. She is very thankful because she had no idea what she was going to do.

We got another request for beds. The mother is sleeping on blankets and the 6’4″ kid is sleeping on a twin.  A larger bed would be better for the boy- we know God will deliver!