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May 30, 2013

The sanding of drywall work was completed yesterday, the dust settled and we are beginning to paint!  We are thankful for this milestone and those who have contributed to get this far.

We are sorry for the wait-  As the clothing appointment list grows daily, it will be very interesting to see if we can keep up with the supply.

We will post when we start booking appointments and a needs list will be posted when there are specific sizes that are depleted.  Shorts, jeans and t shirts in all sizes will be in demand.


Coming Soon….One very exciting offering we will be adding:    A SINGLE Parenting Class! A 13 week study/support group for 6-8 single parents. They will use a workbook and will commit to their attendance.  Please begin praying for whomever decides to attend and for the leader who has volunteered to facilitate.  If you know of someone who might be interested, please contact us!