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June 13, 2013

This week we had a Minnetonka Edina Realty group come over and help us with a variety of tasks. One was cleaning the clothing closet floor in preparation for sealer.  We’ll be reusing the salvaged carpet from our last location which hopefully will be put down this weekend.

We have had many little delays in our relocation set up but we rely on God for our strength and persevere.

Your support is what we pass along to our community to improve lives and share Christ’s free gift of love. A woman who is hospitalized will return home to a stable dining room table and dressers that were delivered today.  Tomorrow, a 9 year old will be celebrating a birthday with her family and her parents will be able to give her gifts and a lady who was homeless that just got housing will get items to make her place a home.

We need volunteers to help pick up food items weekly starting on Monday.  Would love to tell you about this opportunity.

Please call us if you have questions.  God is GOOD!