Where is this year going? Where are pots and pans, socks and jeans going? Out our door!
Here are some of our current needs:
Pots and Pans, Kitchen Utensils, Can openers, Mixing bowls, Drinking Glasses, Microwaves (not older than 7 years), Coffee makers
Men’s Jeans, Socks and Underwear for men and women, large/XL Bras, and Socks and small Underwear for boys
Adult Male Bike -in safe working order
Lamps and End Tables
Small Kitchen Tables
TV Trays
DVD Players
Clocks/Clock Radios
Items can be dropped off at our Hopkins address during our open hours.
We could also use your help letting people in the community know about our other offerings. They are available to anyone who needs them. ALL FREE!
LIFE COACH Call for setting up appointment
ART THERAPY Tuesdays 10am-11:30
THIRD THURSDAYS -JOB Search Tips/Skills 3pm By Appointment
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays 10:30 and 6:30
GRIEF GROUP Thursdays 2-3:30
WOMENS RECOVERY (hurts, habits, addiction- anything) Thursdays 4-5pm
MEN’S Bible Study and Recovery Group- Contact us for info
HAIRCUTS- by appointment (for clients)