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December 1, 2006

Wow. What a week!

It was quiet over the holiday weekend which was nice. When Sunday evening rolled around, the phone started ringing. This was good because we were on the calendar to move two families this week.  Some of the donations were still needed and prayers were in order.  The phone rang and someone from church asked -without knowing the need- if we needed twin mattresses. “You are an answer to prayer!”  We picked them up last night during the scheduled delivery to the family we helped.  

There has been quite a bit of material donating recently which is wonderful and welcomed but without an official storage place, a bit stressful. When we know of upcoming family moves due to housing searches, leaving shelters or whatever, it’s wonderful to have items ready to go. So, praise God for these resources!

Our church van was utilized this week for the picking up and dropping off of R&R kids and their friends!  This is another answer to prayer. There were 10 kids picked up for our Wed. night program the other day!  Last week, two kids had to stay home because of lack of space in a mini van. The church van will probably meet it’s limit of 15 once word gets out… Please pray for these children. That they will receive Christ and bring home what they learn.

Our Sat. delivery was postponed to Jan. and in the meantime, a new referral came in!  So, arrangements are being made to deliver to this new connection instead. Isn’t God full of surprises?

Please pray that our Dec. 7 gathering of interested R&R churches has some attendees.  Two new connections with churches were made over the phone yesterday though. They will be meeting for info next week at separate times. Please pray for God’s direction with these meetings.

Also pray for our women’s fund raiser brunch being held on the 9th. May the message be clear and exciting to the guests. 

One of our R&R dads got hired this week through a church connection- a relief and blessing to that family!  There may be some ESL lessons provided to a family starting next month by a volunteer.

Still searching for housing for a few other families. Please pray for them as they look!

Stay tuned!